Mystery rolls of film revealed | Canada

When we returned to Canada in 2012 after our big trip had ended, I discovered two rolls of 120 film in my camera bag. The thing is, I had no idea what was on it, or from when they were from. Developing 120 film is pretty expensive, and so I tend to always wait a while before getting it done – and then I just forget what’s on the roll!

I never had them developed while in Kelowna because there wasn’t anywhere to get it done there, and I also just kept forgetting about them. That is, until now! I finally decided to send the film in to see what mysterious locations was forever captured on negative… and crossed my fingers that the expired rolls were still fine.

The film scans came back today, and it turns out that the two rolls of film were shot during our road trip across Canada back in September 2010. From the Canadian Rockies to the Great Lakes, there is a little bit of everything!

Shot with a Diana + | expired 120 film | developed by Richard Photo Lab.

revelstoke river
taking a rest
on highway 1
moraine lake
moraine lake
at the dinosaur park
at the dinosaur park
at the dinosaur park
somewhere in the prairies
lake of the woods
kakabeka falls
wawa, ontario
beachy lake superior

It was nice to go down memory lane with this little summary of our long road trip… I sometimes miss the road!

About Magalie

Canadian girl living in Texas, off to see the world when she can!
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