"Miss, why so lonely?"

Tonight I went for a Christmas Eve dinner at Bistro de Paris, a fancy upper class restaurant in the golden triangle, KL’s upper class district of restaurant and bars. Or as their pamphlet said, the “Champs Élysée” of KL (obviously they haven’t been to Paris – well, neither have I but franchement!).

I was assured by the staff that all three table d’hôte were available on the 24th. In true Asian style, they lied and I was thus faced with paying double the price of the set I wanted. I sweet-talked my way to the maître d‘ and got them to prepare the set I wanted “just for me” instead. The leek and potato soup was alright, if a little blend and cold. The baguette was the worst bread of this entire trip. The steak fritte was cooked medium instead of medium-rare (I can live with that) but was a little too salty, as were the fries (who pre-salts fries aside from fast food chains?). The fries were also overcooked… The crème brûlé though was very nice, the crust was perfect but the texture of the crème, well, not as usual but still very nice. The wine as good. The tea was unfortunately Lipton‘s yellow label, a tea that plagues all of South East Asia. Overall the meal was nice, not perfect, but very nice.

I think though that what was more important about this meal is what I learned from it. as I sat there, eating my first meal at a fancy restaurant by myself and spending Christmas by myself for the first time, I thought, this isn’t bad at all. Of course I’d love to have someone to talk to. Of course I missed my mom’s food insanely and everything that comes with it. But I watched the couple sitting close to me and I realized, I’m better off than them. They sat there, barely talking, barely looking at each other. Who was more bored, more lonely, more miserable? Them or me? I thought they were for sure.

The waiters, though, didn’t think as I did. They kept coming up to me and asking me if I was waiting for someone, why I was alone, if I was lonely, bored… “but it’s Christmas eve!”. the thing was, yes, I was/am alone, but I do not feel lonely. It’s funny, how before I probably would have felt that. Sad even of the situation. But for some reason, since being in Kuala Lumpur, I haven’t felt lonely. Aaven’t even felt the need to meet people.

Anyhow… I was done dinner by 10pm and then couldn’t face going for a drink somewhere. I might have mastered the eating alone part, but going to a club alone, that’s a different thing. I didn’t want to pay the cover, wait in line, buy myself a super expensive beer. so I went home… early…

Not a bad evening though. But what I really, really missed was having someone around to say, “oh, you got all dressed up! look at you!” and such. I miss having girls around for that… or even anyone really. But the staff here were kind enough to fill-in! And surprisingly, I missed Ko Phi Phi with it’s ridiculously big tourist population of Swedish people. I hated them there because they were all ridiculously good looking and well dressed but now I missed them, because we could all be dressed up together and such. Weird…

steak fritte

About Magalie

Canadian girl living in Texas, off to see the world when she can!
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