Fun with rice milk | Home

Yesterday I decided to try making rice milk. I followed these instructions, and it was very easy to do.

The point of the exercise was to see how I felt about other types of milk, without purchasing it from the store. I mean, why pay $3 or more for something you may not like… and I really didn’t like rice milk. Even after adding vanilla and sweeteners, I just found it too watery and a bit grainy. To top it off, it doesn’t have any nutrients (unlike nut milk or soy milk), so in my books it’s really not worth it.

What I did like though was the leftover rice grits. The recipe above suggested using them as a sort of porridge, and I did – it was fantastic! I added loads of cinnamon and other spices, some of my dehydrated cherries, maple syrup and some rice milk. Filling, easy, and delicious!

cinnamon rice porridge with pomegranate seeds and dried cherries

About Magalie

Canadian girl living in Texas, off to see the world when she can!
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